What are the traditions of Christmas in Mexico?

Moisés Acuña, Expert in development of new projects, business administration, administrative law and migration especialist.

Certainly, if we talk about the Christmas festivities, we must refer to the evangelization process that took place in New Spain since the 16th century. In fact, the word Christmas has its origin in the Latin nativitas, which means birth, referring to the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, one of the most important festivities of the Catholic religion, celebrated on December 25.

However, on the night of the 24th, Christmas Eve, it is customary for families to get together and enjoy a very abundant dinner with special dishes such as codfish, stuffed pork leg and apple salad. This excess symbolizes the abundance that Jesus Christ brings with his arrival.

Las posadas and the rosca de Reyes

Remember that the posadas are a tradition that commemorates the pilgrimage of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem nine days before the birth of Jesus. Therefore, there are nine festivities, beginning on December 16, and they include the ritual of “asking for a posada”.

As for the “rosca de Reyes”, it symbolizes the Epiphany, that is, the day the Kings of the East met the Child God and prostrated themselves before him. The Catholic Church celebrates this event with this bread every January 6th.

It should be noted that the bread also holds a meaning: the crystallized fruits symbolize the jewels of the Magi; the plastic doll represents the Baby Jesus and the oval shape signifies the infinite love for God. 

What other activities are celebrated on these dates?

The Christmas tree is a must during this season; although it is interesting to point out that this custom originated in Germany, it later spread throughout the European continent until it reached America.

According to some historians, this tradition arrived to our country with several German families that migrated to Mexico since the beginning of the 19th century. Likewise, there is also a predominant story that it was Emperor Maximilian who introduced it in 1864. In any case, in the Catholic tradition the tree is designated as the tree of God.

Other Christmas customs in Mexico

Finally, we must mention the pastorelas, the carols, the placement of the nativity scene and the piñatas; the latter, part of our identity. In December the custom is to break the piñata in the shape of a star with seven peaks, which represent the deadly sins.