What do you need to invest in México being a foreigner?

Moisés Acuña, Expert in the development of new projects, business administration, administrative law, and migration specialist.

Investing in a company in Mexico as a foreigner involves following certain steps to comply with local regulations and laws. Here are five general steps to invest in a company in Mexico:

  1. Obtain an Investor Visa: To invest in a company in Mexico, you first need to obtain an investor visa. There are different types of visas, such as the visitor visa with permission to engage in remunerated activities or the temporary residency visa for business reasons. Consult the National Institute of Migration (INM) of Mexico for the specific requirements for your investment visa.
  2. Register the Investment with the Ministry of Economy: You must register your foreign investment with the Ministry of Economy of Mexico. This involves providing detailed information about the investment, such as the amount, the nature of the investment, and the economic sector in which you plan to invest. The Ministry of Economy will provide you with a registration number.
  3. Establish a Legally Constituted Company: For safe investment, it is advisable to establish a legal entity in Mexico, such as a Sociedad Anónima (S.A.) or a Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada (S. de R.L.). You must draft articles of incorporation specifying the details of the investment, the company’s structure, and the rights of the investors.
  4. Obtain a Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC) and Comply with Tax Obligations: Obtain a Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC) for your company. This is essential for conducting transactions and complying with tax obligations in Mexico. You must pay taxes, file tax returns, and comply with all local tax regulations.
  5. Comply with Labor and Social Security Obligations: If you plan to hire employees, you must register with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and comply with labor and social security obligations. This includes providing health insurance and pensions for your employees, as well as complying with Mexican labor laws.

It is important to note that requirements may vary depending on the type of investment and the industry in which you plan to invest. Therefore, it is recommended to seek legal and accounting advice in Mexico to ensure compliance with all regulations and specific requirements related to your foreign investment.